10 Things People Do When They’re Completely in Love With You

The golden glow.

N. N. S
8 min readApr 12, 2023
Photo by Caique Nascimento on Unsplash

Let’s jump right in.

1. Alteration

If someone finds you attractive, they may want you to feel the same attraction to them. They want to capture your attention so they go out of their way to increase their physical appeal to the time which means changing the way they look.

Someone who is attracted to you will wear flattering outfits and they’ll style their hair to accentuate their best physical qualities, but other people will use behavioral cues to make themselves more appealing.

Men, for example, will puff out their chests around women they find attractive. Now this behavior makes them look more masculine, which can increase their level of attraction. So whether someone changes the way they look or the way they behave, and this person is drawing attention to themselves for a reason, they want you to be looking at them, and they’re hoping you like what you see.

2. Behind the eyes

Which part of your body sends the strongest romantic signals?

Well, the eyes are the most common indicator of romantic attraction.


