6 Brutal Truths I Want My Husband’s Mistress to Know

The joke’s on you.

N. N. S
5 min readDec 14, 2023
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

You thought it would be a fun little game to play with my husband, and in the process, you turned my world upside down.

But here’s the thing, sweetheart, life isn’t a game, and I’m not a pawn.

1. Congratulations on Your “Victory” (Not Really)

So, you’ve won a prize, huh? You’ve got him on your arm, and you’re probably feeling pretty smug about it.

Maybe you’re even thinking, “Wow, I must be something special to have stolen him away.” But let’s take a moment to examine this “prize” of yours.

What you have is a man who decided it was okay to break his vows, to shatter trust like it was nothing more than a cheap piece of glass. Not exactly the most honorable trait, don’t you think?

Is that really the kind of man you want? One who discards promises as easily as last season’s fashion?

Fun fact: according to a study published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior, men who cheat once are 350% more likely to cheat again. Let that sink in for a moment. The odds are stacked against you, darling.

So yes, you’ve got him now. But remember, you’ve won a man who’s proven he can’t stay faithful. You’ve “won”…

